This project is one of my own creation. I decided to start selling a product in the vast online marketplace. I did this for several reasons. First, to create a source of supplemental income, but also to go through the process of taking a product idea through the product development cycle and eventually to market . Going through this process and learning how to successfully launch a product online will help me better serve my customers who would like to do the same thing.
Anyway, this project started from recognizing a problem with a recent policy change and coming up with a solution before anyone else. In the state of Oregon the ODFW (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife) controls and manages the hunting regulations and tag allocations for the state. Starting January 1, 2019 the ODFW has gone to an electronic tagging system and will no longer be providing waterproof paper hunting tags as they have traditionally done.
With these recent hunting regulation changes in Oregon, hunters are now required to provide their own method of tagging their harvest. Since Oregon has moved to an electronic tagging system hunters are required to use an app to validate their tag upon successfully harvesting an animal via a smartphone. Once the tag is validated the app will give the user a confirmation number. This confirmation number and other information about the harvest is required to be attached to the harvested animal during transit.
The Hunt-Tag system provides a means of attaching this information to a harvested animal. The Hunt-Tag has a few simple, but much needed items to help hunters to legally tag their harvest. With Hunt-Tag hunters can focus on the success of the hunt instead of worrying about how to properly tag their harvest.
Check out the website,, and follow on social media (facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube) to see how this project turns out.